Friday, September 23, 2005

New Music Friday

Every day I spend here at Obi-Wan’s château de filth, I am constantly surprised by what I find. No, I’m not talking about the half eaten Hungry Man T.V. dinners stuffed under the cushions of the couch or the old Silly Putty eggs in the freezer or even his old 7-11 super-hero slurpee cup collection he keeps in the dryer. No, today I found an old record collection he had stashed away in the back of a closet stuffed full of jumbo 24-packs of toilet paper. (Why does he need all that t.p.? He expecting a run?)

Anyway, I thought I’d take a gander at what ol Ben calls good music. Frankly, I was a little surprised at this one…

And if that wasn’t bad enough, I found this little beauty tucked in the back. I guess there are just some things in his past he just doesn’t want the rest of us to know.

Too bad for him. This little bad boy is going on E-Bay.


Jawa Juice said...

I don't know what is more scary... That Obi-Wan actually sang that song...or that you really really remember that song.

Nicely done, BTW.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Oh my God!

Wasn't there a follow up album to Disco Doofus called Disco Dork?

Unknown said...

I have to admit, I like the part in "Jedi Temple" where everyone spells out the letters with their hands.

Shannon said...

Yes! I LOVE Disco Doofus! Probably the only cool thing Obs ever did. But with Anakin, ya know, protecting me and all, he doesn't like it and I don't get to hear it much anymore.

Master Yoda said...
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Master Yoda said...

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Impressive that was, Young Starbucker.